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The Person Behind the Author

You should write a new blog, someone told me. How about what the person behind the author is really like? Okay, I said. I’ll give it a shot. Here it is. I’m 53. I’m too old to give a damn, and I’m too young to know any different. I write books because I have to. If...

Me and my Critic

I remember saying it took many years for me to open up to my colleagues and tell them I was a writer. That was partly because I’m still shy of mentioning that little fact, but mostly it was because I thought my writing was shit. God help me if anyone I knew actually...

Developing Plot

Ideas and Execution Ideas don’t come to me easily. I usually get a small part of a scene only – I think my muse just likes to see me sweat. From it I have to grow an entire book. It usually happens on the fly too because I’m not good with planning things out. Far too...