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CSI Eddie Collins Novellas
The End of Lies and The Third Rule banner
Image is the cover of Jargon, Lingo, and Slang

This is CSI Eddie Collins trying to explain himself... OUT NOW!

You might have noticed that in Eddie’s books he swears a little bit, and he uses words that might not be common or everyday for a lot of people. I’m aware that his books are read worldwide, and not everyone in those far-flung reaches will understand some of the Yorkshire slang he uses. 

So this book is here for them: it’s here to entertain those who want to know what those slang words used in any of the (currently) seven CSI Eddie Collins books mean. The words he uses are a mixture of Leeds slang, Yorkshire Slang, English slang, and random bits and pieces of useless information alongside the meanings or definitions for certain swear words, and police acronyms, too. 

“Outstanding read that’ll make your hair stand on end.” – Rosie Bray

“Excellent, highly recommended!!” – Ellie S

“Andrew Barrett – a truly talented writer.” Michael Wood, best-selling author of the DCI Matilda Darke series

“The Crew – a snapshot of the criminal underclass,” Michael Wood, Best-selling author of the DCI Matilda Darke series

“CSI Eddie Collins – a wonderful character, dark, edgy, and funny,” Michael Wood, Best-selling author of the DCI Matilda Darke series

“I stayed up until 4:00 in the morning reading this because I could not stop.” – Fritzi

“I can always expect a laugh, an excellent twist and sometimes a cry. I love his stories.” – Patti

“The deeper I got into the story, the more frantic I became to find out what happened.” – Ginger Book Geek, This Side of Death

“Thrilling to the end it will keep you on the edge of your seat.” – Sheila McLean, This Side of Death

If you’re a fan of crime thrillers with a forensic twist, you’ll love Andrew’s books. He’s been writing gripping stories since 1996, when he became a CSI in Yorkshire. His characters, SOCO Roger Conniston and CSI Eddie Collins, are flawed but relentless in their pursuit of justice, facing depraved criminals that lurk in the shadows. You’ll feel like you’re right there with them, solving crimes and catching killers. This is not a sanitized version of crime investigation; there’s no padding, no nonsense, just raw and realistic thrillers with all the blood and gore that comes with it. Better get comfy on the edge of your seat.

Sign up using the form and you can look forward to receiving The End of Lies, a thriller that will leave you gasping, and The Crew, the latest first-person novella by Eddie Collins himself as he tackles not only an armed robbery scene, but some pretty unsavoury characters, too.


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Andrew’s quotes

"Use your intuition. Picture how things happen, why they happen. Don’t stick rigidly to first impressions, and once you’ve read the rule book, throw it away. Better still, burn the bastard."— Andrew Barrett