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Me and my Critic

I remember saying it took many years for me to open up to my colleagues and tell them I was a writer. That was partly because I’m still shy of mentioning that little fact, but mostly it was because I thought my writing was shit. God help me if anyone I knew actually...

Developing Plot

Ideas and Execution Ideas don’t come to me easily. I usually get a small part of a scene only – I think my muse just likes to see me sweat. From it I have to grow an entire book. It usually happens on the fly too because I’m not good with planning things out. Far too...

Scene Structure

Today I was asked if there is a specific purpose behind the structure of my novels, specifically The Third Rule and Black by Rose. Yes. There is. And you have to bear in mind that although I’m on my tenth novel, I’m still developing – and I suppose I will until I turn...

My Way – Part Three

Writer’s block. I suppose since so much has been written about writer’s block, it must exist. I’ve been stuck several times. Most notably in my recent past, I was stuck on how to end The Third Rule. I wrote no less than six endings for that book until I chose the one...