by Andy | 10th Nov 2012 | Life, The Third Rule, Writing
A Long Time Dead, Stealing Elgar, and No More Tears continue to do well on Amazon. I have pulled them out of Amazon Select and have decided to upload them to Smashwords to see if we can get them out to an even wider audience. The Third Rule – Part One: Atrocities, The...
by Andy | 8th Nov 2012 | The Third Rule
The Third Rule goes live! After an inordinate amount of work by several people, The Third Rule has at last gone live on Amazon. A small part of me wondered if it would ever happen; actually, that’s a lie. A large part of me wondered if it would ever happen. And...
by Andy | 31st Oct 2012 | The Third Rule, Writing
Where was I? Ah yes, The Third Rule was due out of the blocks in September. And then it was due out sometime this month, October. However, with all plans there comes a corresponding amount of chance; and it seems chance has taken a hold of things concerning The Third...
by Andy | 21st Aug 2012 | The Third Rule, Writing
I knew it was going to be a long book, somewhere in the region of 250-270k words. The average length of a novel is around 90-100k. Just before I completed it, I decided that I would issue it as three separate books, Part One, Part Two, and Part Three. But wait; it may...
by Andy | 14th Aug 2012 | The Third Rule, Writing
Well it’s taken me 9 years and 4 months end to end, to finish The Third Rule. That’s not because I’m lazy and it’s not because I’ve been in prison either. I broke off writing it to concentrate on other writing for six of those years. And...
by Andy | 13th Mar 2012 | Life, The Third Rule, Writing
After a sabbatical from novel-writing (I’ve been playing with scripts for the last few years), I have worked on The Third Rule for the last three months solidly, to the exclusion of everything else except food and sleep – and only if absolutely necessary; that’s every...