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Well, what’s happening?

So what’s happening in the wonderful world of writing, Mr Barrett? Ah, well, I’m glad you asked. The answer is: quite a lot. So far this month, I’ve lowered the prices of all six books of The Dead Trilogy and The Third Rule trilogy to 99 pence each....

The negative effects of promotion

I ought to qualify the following by first of all saying how much of a people person I am not. It’s not that I don’t like people, it’s just that I am ‘not good’ with them. ‘Not good’ depends largely upon what kind of person they are I suppose. But I find my simple life...

It’s been a funny old year

In the words of someone famous: “It’s been a funny old year.” This is a gathering of thoughts concerning events that have happened in 2012. A synopsis, if you like. I began the year on a big personal downer – one of the biggest of my life. On the...

Character hell

I was asked why I put my characters through hell. Here’s my reply (spoiler). It’s a good question you pose about Eddie, and why I’m so nasty to him all the time. I’ve heard a few people say they dislike Eddie to begin with. And that is music to...

It’s about time

It’s about time! How long is it since I began writing a brand new novel? I’d guess at somewhere approaching eight years. In the meantime of course, I’ve co-written about fifteen hours of television scripts and have finally finished off The Third...

The next big thing

A Long Time Dead, Stealing Elgar, and No More Tears continue to do well on Amazon. I have pulled them out of Amazon Select and have decided to upload them to Smashwords to see if we can get them out to an even wider audience. The Third Rule – Part One: Atrocities, The...