2018 Readers’ Group Survey
Andrew Barrett – Readers Group Survey 2018
- Are you male or female
Female 69%
Male 30%
- What is your age?
25 – 40 18%
41 – 65 56%
65+ 37%
- Where do you live?
United States 47%
United Kingdom 30%
Canada 8%
Australia 6%
Other 8%
- How did you discover Andrew Barrett?
Instafreebie 46%
Bookfunnel 21%
Amazon email 7%
Facebook 12%
Amazon 9%
Recommended by a friend 3%
- Do you actively search for free books?
Yes 81%
No 19%
- If so, where do you get your free books?
Instafreebie 68%
Bookfunnel 64%
Get them from the author 33%
Amazon 76%
Bookbub 5%
- What first attracted you to Andrew Barrett’s books?
Cover 22%
Blurb 53%
‘Look Inside’ 17%
Reviews 25%
- What is your favourite Andrew Barrett book?
A Long Time Dead 30%
Stealing Elgar 5%
No More Tears 6%
The Third Rule 21%
Black by Rose 14%
Sword of Damocles 7%
Ledston Luck 15%
The Lift 8%
The Note 9%
The End of Lies 27%
- How many of Andrew Barrett’s books have you read?
None 12%
All 11%
Roger Conniston books only 3%
Eddie Collins books only 11%
Less than 3 39%
4 or more 29%
- Do you enjoy reading short stories featuring your favourite characters?
I love short stories 65%
I hate short stories 35%
- Would you like to see another SOCO Roger Conniston book?
Yes 52%
No 1%
Maybe 46%
- Would you like to see another CSI Eddie Collins book?
Yes 80%
No 1%
Maybe 19%
- Would you like to see more stand-alone thrillers?
Yes 80%
No 2%
Maybe 18%
- What do you think an Andrew Barrett novel-length book is worth?
0.99 9%
1.99 16%
2.99 23%
3.99 22%
4.99 13%
5.99 8%
5.99+ 15%
Andrew’s comment: I asked this question to gauge what people thought of the overall package of my books, including the cover design, the blurb, the story, etc. I am not about to raise my prices; I respect my readers very much, and know many of them are on fixed incomes or disability and enjoy buying quality books cheaply.
- How do you prefer to read your books?
Print 25%
Amazon Kindle 78%
Barnes & Noble 3%
Apple device 14%
Android device 13%
Kobo 5%
Audiobook 5%
Other 2%
- Are you in Kindle Unlimited?
Yes 20%
No 80%
- Do you buy your books exclusively from Amazon?
Yes 43%
No 57%
- How frequently would you like to hear from Andrew?
Only when there’s a new book coming out 15%
Once a week 15%
Once a month 49%
Twice a month 15%
Other: “whenever he has news to share” 6%
- Do you enjoy receiving emails from Andrew that feature other authors?
Don’t mind 58%
Yes 38%
No 4%
- Do you take part in Andrew’s competitions?
Yes 42%
No 58%
- What social media do you use?
None 18%
Facebook 75%
Twitter 28%
Instagram 22%
Pinterest 27%
YouTube 28%
Linkedin 19%
- How often do you visit Andrew’s website?
Never 30%
Each time I receive an email from him 35%
Once a week 2%
Once a month 20%
Occasionally 10%
- Would you like to know more about Andrew’s writing history and future plans?
Yes 54%
No 3%
Maybe 43%
What would you like to see more or less of in your readers group newsletter?
148 responses.
The overwhelming majority reported it was great as it is (or similar).
Other responses included:
More about story, character, and location background, and their development;
More Leeds background
The photos and stories behind them
More about CSI work
Insight into writing process
Personal life
Reviews from other members
Publish snippets of unreleased material
Photos of locations used; free print books
Competition to win character names
Free books
On a fixed income vs cost of books* (please see above)
The survey went on to ask for comments.
I had 73 responses, but I won’t post them here since I believe them to be private. The only thing I am prepared to say about them is thank you; I am gobsmacked by your kind comments and I truly am grateful for all of them. You have humbled me.
Andrew’s comments.
Firstly I would like to thank every single one of you who took the time to complete this survey. In all, nearly 400 people did, down on last year, but important to me just the same.
Some of the questions might have sounded oblique, but each one had its purpose.
To reiterate to those people who are afraid that my prices are going to go up, and who were afraid to mark it on the question – I’m not putting up the prices. Many people think my books are worth more than I charge for them (thank you!), but I’m not a money-grabber (oh boy, is this the wrong business to be in if you are!), I get only a few cents/pence for each sale, but I write because I love writing. So rest assured the prices of those books I have control over will not go up in the foreseeable future.
It’s very interesting to learn what extras you’d like in your newsletter. I’ve made notes of all the comments you’ve left for me, and I will try to accommodate them.
The recap of your survey – good job. It is a gracious way to thank the participants. Carry on! -guyr8s
Thanks for your kind words.