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You know how some things make you smile, and how some other things make you smile and give you a little tingle too? (think harder then).

Well, I had a tingly smile or two this week when I read a 5-star review of A Long Time Dead and then I had another such moment when I got a 5-star review for Stealing Elgar.

As I said on Twitter (yes, I am thoroughly with it, I am hip, man!) it’s not news that will rock the world, I know, but it’s very special to me since it was written by a lady called Ignite who is one of Amazon’s top 500 reviewers. And she really does know her stuff, so I take them both as huge compliments.

It would be wonderful to realise massive sales of all three books, of course, but an accurate indicator of how good ones work actually is, is when someone so respected in the world of books tells you.